Thematic Areas
Population Connectivity & Disease Spread
This thematic area focuses on contact networks and population connectivity, often with a focus on animal movement data. Heterogeneity in host contact patterns is a key determinant of potential transmission pathways in the population, and elucidating contact patterns can be leveraged for targeted, risk-based surveillance and control.
Molecular Ecology of Pathogens
Molecular ecology of pathogens capitalizes on genetic variation of pathogens to reconstruct epidemiological dynamics - a field known as genomic epidemiology. In addition, genetic and antigenic heterogeneities in pathogens influence how they interacts with immunity, which can generate immune-mediated competition among strains and also drive evolution.
Spatial & Temporal Dynamics of Transmission
Research in this theme strives to understand and predict the epidemiological and ecological drivers of pathogen transmission in animal populations, utilizing spatial analytical approaches as well as mathematical modeling.
Primary Study Systems
Viral diseases of swine
PRRS, PED, FMD; Location: U.S.
Foot-and-mouth disease virus in endemic settings
Location: East African and South/Southeast Asia
Agro-ecological systems
Location: primarily Kenya
Pathogen Transmission Dynamics in Livestock Systems
Locations: Varying