Outreach and engagment
Translating science to action
In the VanderWaal lab, we endeavor to communicate scientific outputs to industry and the community at large through different avenues
Conferences and seminars
American Association of Swine Veterinarians 2021
Lessons learned from plant closures, testing employees, and modelling outbreaks
Estimating viral population size of PRRSV sub-lineages based on genetic diversity
Estimating farm-level reproduction numbers for PRRSV using sequence-based transmission tree analysis
Feeder pig movements as a potential driver of the spread of PRRS lineage 1 viruses in the US
Forecasting swine disease outbreaks. Farm Journal, July 26, 2021. link.
Understanding stability of movement networks through time can inform decisions for designing, implementing disease management. National Hog Farmer, July 13, 2021 https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/news/practical-use-pig-movement-data-disease-interventions
The Achilles heel for PRRS management. National Hog Farmer, 2020 https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/animal-health/animal-movements-achilles-heel-prrs-management
How much is the spread of 1‐7‐4‐related PRRS viruses due to animal movement? Morison Swine Health Monitoring Program, 2020 https://umnswinenews.com/2020/05/22/how-much-is-the-spread-of-1-7-4-related-prrs-viruses-due-to-animal-movement/
Outmaneuvering PRRSV requires a better understanding of genetic diversity. Pig Health Today, 2020 https://www.swineweb.com/outmaneuvering-prrsv-requires-a-better-understanding-of-genetic-diversity/
Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases 2020
Forecasting PEDV outbreaks at the farm-level in the U.S. swine industry
Estimating farm-level reproductive numbers for PRRSV using sequence-based transmission tree analysis
Molecular surveillance of foot-and-mouth disease virus at slaughterhouses in Vietnam
Tracking the dispersal of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Uganda using novel phylodynamic methods
Drivers of antimicrobial use in pastoral communities in Kenya
Role of animal movements in PRRS spread in the U.S. swine industry
The Achilles heel for PRRS management. National Hog Farmer, 2020 https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/animal-health/animal-movements-achilles-heel-prrs-management
How much is the spread of 1‐7‐4‐related PRRS viruses due to animal movement? Morison Swine Health Monitoring Program, 2020 https://umnswinenews.com/2020/05/22/how-much-is-the-spread-of-1-7-4-related-prrs-viruses-due-to-animal-movement/
Outmaneuvering PRRSV requires a better understanding of genetic diversity. Pig Health Today, 2020 https://www.thepigsite.com/news/2020/02/outmanoeuvering-prrsv-requires-a-better-understanding-of-genetic-diversity
Dynamics of PRRSV in the US over the past decade: a molecular epidemiology perspective.
Forecasting outbreaks of PEDV.
Why is PRRS virus so genetically diverse? National Hog Farmer, 2019 https://www.nationalhogfarmer.com/animal-health/why-prrs-virus-so-genetically-diverse